by Annette | Apr 10, 2012 | Romance Writing, Romance Writing Craft, Tools & Resources
You’re driving down the highway and BAM a brilliant story idea sparks your imagination. You know exactly what the beginning scene will look like and who the main characters are. You’re excited and ready to get started writing this soon to be bestseller. You get home...
by Annette | Apr 8, 2010 | Romance Writing
By Kimber Chin There are two main schools of romance writing. There are those writers that outline or plot the entire book before sitting down to write. There are very detailed plotters. They sketch out everything from character builds to action points....
by Annette | Jul 30, 2009 | Romance Writing
By Kimber Chin There are two main schools of romance writing. There are those writers that outline or plot the entire book before sitting down to write. There are very detailed plotters. They sketch out everything from character builds to action points. They knew...