Who’s Knocking?

Who’s Knocking?

Your heroine is in her home when she hears knocking on her front door. She’s not expecting anyone and ignores the knock, figuring it is someone looking for her to buy something she neither wants or needs. They knock again, this time a bit more insistently. She...

Story Starter Sunday – Trapped

Your heroine is trapped. She’s been captured by someone and is being held against her will. Who captured her? Why did they capture her? For example, is she a spy or is this an obsessed person? How long has she been held? What is her plan to escape? How does she...

3 Reasons to Embrace the Process of Writing

Writing is a process. “Process” is defined as – A series of actions or steps taken to achieve an end. Each word you write, each scene that unfolds, is a step in the process. Bit by bit your manuscript comes together. But it’s also an emotional and mental...