by Annette | Feb 10, 2021 | Contemporary, Romance Story, Romance Story Starter, Romance Story Starters, Romance Writing, Story Starters
Your heroine has a list, not a long list, but a very precise one, about what makes a perfect husband. She systematically runs through the list with every man that she meets. She finally finds the man that fits the list and… what happens? Maybe he’s not interested in...
by Annette | May 9, 2012 | Romance Writing Career
Regardless of your passion and pursuits, sometimes self doubt creeps in. You begin to think: Is this what I’m really meant to do? Maybe I’m not good enough. I can’t seem to get over this hurdle Maybe I should be doing something else. I’m...
by Annette | Mar 14, 2012 | Romance Writing
There are two types of romance writers: pantsters, or those who write by the seat of their pants and plotters, or those who plan their story before they write it I believe that most writers are a little bit of both. I, personally, am a plotter. I outline my entire...
by Annette | Apr 8, 2010 | Romance Writing
By Kimber Chin There are two main schools of romance writing. There are those writers that outline or plot the entire book before sitting down to write. There are very detailed plotters. They sketch out everything from character builds to action points....
by Annette | Apr 8, 2010 | Romance Writing
By Jill Noble The Boring Beginning. Statistics show that when a reader is choosing a book, they read the back cover or book blurb, and then they flip open the book to read the first few pages. Many authors seem to forget they only have a few sentences in which...