I love New Year’s.

No, not because of the champagne and opportunity to party. I’m actually pretty lame when it comes to the whole ring in the New Year celebration mindset.

What I love about the holiday is the clean slate. The opportunity to do better and to set big goals for the upcoming year. I find it to be renewing and motivating at the same time. I do see a problem with most resolutions. We make them too big, too vague, and we fail to plan. The solution is to put some thought into what you want for yourself and your writing career/practice. I have a few suggestions today, and I suspect I’ll have a few more to ponder between now and New  Year’s.

1. Write Every Day – Decide not only to write every day but how long you’ll write. Quantify it. Write for twenty minutes or 500 words, you choose the goal that seems both motivating and realistic.

2. Submit Your Manuscript to An Editor/Agent – Again, quantify this. How often will you submit a manuscript? Once a month? Twice a month? Who will you submit to?

3. Join a Critique/Writing Group 

4. Read More – Make a list of what you want to read and decide how much time you’re going to read each day/week. For example, you could read for twenty minutes at night before you go to sleep.

5. Create an Author’s Blog

6. Take a Writing Course – Online or off, you choose.

7. Tell People that You’re a Writer – People often hide the fact that they write romance. Take pride in your passion! You’ll be surprised how many people think you’re totally cool! (not your kids, of course, they will NEVER think you’re cool. Sorry.)

Did any of those resonate with you?

I’m pretty hooked on writing resolutions right now and I suspect the topic will come up again over the next few weeks. Love to hear your thoughts!