Happy Friday!

I stumbled across this amazing list of hot celebrities the other day – http://allwomenstalk.com/guess-who-the-sexiest-men-celebrities-are/

It’s a great list, packed with tons of eye candy. IMHO many of them are a bit young. Zac Ephron? Seriously?

And while I think the list is awesome – nice job! I think she missed one or two.  Including the incredibly attractive Adrien Brody.

Source: http://www.askactor.com/actress/Adrien_Brody/galleries/page/2/

You can find more pics of Adrien here

And to answer the question, “Why create a post with regular pics of male celebrities?”

The answer is simple. As a romance writer you need to come up with an image of your hero. You need to know what he looks like and you need to be able to visualize him consistently. You’re also familiar with the phrase, “Write what you know.”

A gallery of male celebrities helps you begin to create an image of your hero. Will he have an Adrien Brody nose and a Jon Hamm smile? Maybe, maybe not. The point is that images of other attractive men help you create an image of your hero.

Enjoy your weekend and Happy Writing!