It’s the first week of the New Year. That means it’s time to get down to business.

You’ve created resolutions. You’ve promised yourself this is the year you get published.

In order to make that happen, you have to not only finish that manuscript, you have to submit it.

Make Your List

The first step is to make a list of 12 agents/editors you want to submit to. You can find a fantastic list of agents and editors in the Writer’s Market. The 2011 edition is out. Go grab a copy or check it out from your library.

You can also find a nice list of agents and editors over at Romance Writers of America. You have to be a member to gain access to the list. Join if you haven’t already. It’s a wonderful organization and the resources and information  you have access to are worth the membership fee.

Also look at joining a local or online chapter. Again, great resources including workshops, contests and romance industry connections.

Okay, onto the worksheet.

Once you have your list of 12 agents/editors chosen prioritize them. Place the one you want the most at the top of the list. For example, if your dream is to publish with Mira then put them at the top of the list. (Mira is just an example, they don’t accept unagented manuscripts)

Okay: Now, print the  Editor-agent checklist and fill it out. Place your most desired agent or editor in the first space. Fill out the information.

Now take a look at your calendar. Create a plan to submit to one agent/editor each month. (that’s why you chose 12 to submit to.) Not done with your manuscript yet? Set a date to finish it. Wait, I’ll set a date for you. March 15th. That’s three months and two weeks away.

Now, schedule your agent/editor submissions. You’re serious, now. You are going to publish this year!

Here’s access to the Editor-agent checklist.