I don’t know about you but I am easily distracted. Email, list making, chores, social networking, blogging, and of course television all pull my attention from the tasks I should be doing. Even when I truly desire to sit down and write and have a “great idea” I am fairly easy to distract.
I’ve taken measures to help curb this tendency. I don’t, for example, turn on the television and I close my search engine and email box so I cannot see them. I sometimes relocate to a more relaxing and distraction free zone but alas, I still find ways to lose my focus. Until now…
Bluetooth Heaven
I have an iPad and I use it constantly. I take it with me where ever I go because I can get a lot done on it and because it doesn’t allow you to multitask. You can’t have an email window open and write. However, I was finding that I spent more time correcting my typing mistakes than I spent actually typing/writing. This is because the keyboard is a touch keyboard and I apparently have sloppy fingers.
So I went on the hunt for a keyboard that would:
- Fit into my bag
- Not cost a fortune
- Not break after a month’s use
I thought it was going to be a long and arduous hunt. After some time searching online I decided I’d head to the local Apple store to see what advice they had.
Their advice was to of course buy their wireless keyboard. Hmmm….
I tried it out.
- It’s a standard keyboard size sans the numeric keypad. Fingers were happy.
- It fit into my purse
- It only cost $68
- Did I mention it fit into my purse?
- And…I was satisfied with the reputation of Apple that it would be fairly reliable and durable. (and it only cost $68 so it was worth the risk)
I’ve had my Bluetooth keyboard for about two weeks now and I can tell you that it was the solution I have been looking for. It’s amazing and my productivity has taken a huge leap. No more distractions because this handy thing goes anywhere. I’m finally maintaining my daily wordcount goal!
If you suffer from distractionitis consider what solutions would cure this condition for you. I’m not saying that an iPad and a Bluetooth keyboard are the solution for everyone. However, I am saying that it pays to solve the problem now. I wish I had found my solution years ago.
Ask yoursef:
- What distractions am I most often unable to resist?
- Am I as productive with my writing as I’d like to be?
- What solutions might help me maintain focus and meet my goals?
Happy Writing!