I’ve been researching ghost stories all week for a new series I’m developing.
I’ve learned a hard lesson – don’t research ghost stories before you go to bed! I’m exhausted from the nightmares. But I do have to say the research has been interesting and stimulating.
For those who couldn’t attend the RT Convention you can grab the sessions and workshops on audio. “All of the 125 workshops, including the two Dean Koontz sessions, are available on CD and will be available as a MP3 download later this week. The entire set is only $99, which is a great deal. Individual workshops are also available and range from $8 – $15 a session depending on the length.”
You can also grab the current edition of RWA eNotes at http://www.rwa.org/cs/current_issue to stay abreast of industry changes and news. Note: you must be a member to access the newsletter.
There’s a great post over at Goodlife Zen that talks about creating the life YOU want – check it out here – http://goodlifezen.com/2011/04/17/start-over-create-the-life-you-want-and-deserve
And check out the class over at WOW – Women on Writing on how to use Social networking to boost your writing career. http://wow-womenonwriting.com/WOWclasses.html#MargoDill_SocialNetworking
Happy Writing!