Hooray! Black Friday is here not to be outdone, Cyber Monday is on its way. So…how are you going to take advantage of these two notable shopping days?

Consider purchasing something to further your writing career – you may even be able to write it off!

Here are a few suggestions to consider:

#1 Livescribe Pen. The Livescribe lets you write on paper, special paper and then convert it to a digital file. There is even software that can read your handwriting (if it’s not too messy) and create a document. Imagine how much writing you can get done if you don’t have to haul your computer with you every where you go.

And if you’re like me and sometimes like to put pen to paper for more creative flow then the Livescribe is a wonderful tool. Today, you can save $30 on the price of a Livescribe Pulse and get it for just $99.

You can grab this happy little pen here >>http://www.livescribe.com/en-us/

#2 The Nook. The Nook by Barnes & Noble is a handy little ereader that does something Amazon’s Kindle doesn’t. It allows you to read epub materials which means you can check out books from your library! I’m a huge fan of library books and when you can check them out and read them from your ereader, all the better! You can find information about the Nook HERE

#3 Stock your shelves with Romance novels. Don’t forget to keep up on the writing styles and trends in your genre. Reading is an important aspect of learning to become a great writer. Head to your favorite bookstore this today or visit eHarlequin and save money on ebooks.

Hey, if you bought the Nook, then this is a great way to start using it!
Save an extra 10% on all eHarlequin books with coupon code EHQNSAVE10 at Checkout! Click Here To Claim Now!

Happy shopping and happy writing!