Last week was a whirlwind week for me so I’m taking it easy this week. Trying to regroup and find focus again. I find that when everything starts coming at me at once I feel entirely overwhelmed and disconnected. It’s the perfect time to take ten and meditate yet, of course, I’m too deep in the chaos to recognize the need for meditation.
Writer Unboxed offers a great post this week on Why Writers Should Meditate.
Write to Done also has a nice 15 Point Checklist to Make Your Writing Come Alive. Much of the content is relevant if you’re a journalist or freelance writer. However, I also think that many of the points are relevant if you’re writing fiction.
I’m neck deep in the revision process this week and always find checklists helpful. I can make sure I’m not overlooking anything!
Finally, we’re one week closer to Halloween and haunted houses and scary movies are everywhere. I love Halloween! Check out this great list of the Top 50 Scariest Movies ever!
Relax, enjoy your weekend and Happy Writing!