I have book covers on the brain.
I’m releasing several books over the next couple of months and hired a designer, Tatiana at Vila Design, to create the covers. It took a bit of brainstorming and putting my marketing/bookseller’s hat on, to come up with a concept.
It’s an exciting process but it can also be overwhelming if you’re like me and have zero design skill or knowledge.
I spent an abundance of time reviewing thousands of book covers. It was actually pretty fun. Boy are there some steamy covers out there now.
In honor of all of those wonderful book covers and their designers, today’s Hot Fun Friday is dedicated to the romance book cover:
Best Book Cover Contest at Romantic Times Book Reviews – http://www.rtbookreviews.com/rt-daily-blog/whats-best-book-cover-month-take-poll-4
Breathless Press Cover Art Gallery on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150961771551263.397384.118507096262&type=3&l=181fba9fda
When you have a bit of time, say tonight when you’re watching the Olympics, click on the links and enjoy taking a look around. Start thinking about what you want the cover of your book to look like.
And if you have a favorite book cover, please feel free to share it here or on Facebook.
Happy writing & browsing!