Have you been to Pinterest?
If you have then you know what a blissful time suck it can be. I’ve literally spent hours at night on the couch surfing through beautiful photos of nature, romance, fashion, food – let’s not forget the food! And of course quotes and aspirations of who I want to be and how I want to live my life.
It’s a vision board for everyone.

cute little porcine pin, found on Pinterest
- Decorate your home
- Swoon over hunky movie stars
- Compile lists of things to do, including books to read
- And wallow in the romance like a perky pink polka dot pig in a rainbow tutu.
You Can Also Use Pinterest to Connect with Romance Writers, Publishers, and to Build Your Romance Audience
A few to follow:
- Avon Romance http://pinterest.com/avonromance/
- Crimson Romance http://pinterest.com/crimsonromance/
- Shannon Stacey http://pinterest.com/shannonstacey/
- The Book Reading Gals http://pinterest.com/tbrg/
- Romantic Times Book Reviews http://pinterest.com/rtbookreviews/
- Angela James http://pinterest.com/angelajames/
- Jennifer Cruise http://pinterest.com/jennycrusie/
- Shiloh Walker http://pinterest.com/shilohwalker/
- Susan Mallery http://pinterest.com/susanmallery/
- and Me! http://pinterest.com/annettebrownlee/ – (Oh boy, I need to put a new photo up there! Ugh.)
Have fun looking at how other authors are marketing themselves. Enjoy their pins and while you’re at it check out
Pintester (F*ing up pins so you don’t have to) http://pintester.com/ It’s owned by Romance author Sonja Faust and it’s hysterical!)
And to learn more about how to use Pinterest to market your books check out:
**Authors: Meet Your New Friend Pinterest http://mediatapper.com/authors-meet-your-new-friend-pinterest-authors-meet-your-new-friend-pinterest/
**Marketing for Romance Writers – Pinterest and Why You Should http://marketingforromancewriters.com/pinterest-and-why-you-should/