I’m heading out tomorrow to go on a weekend ghost hunt in an historic abbey. It’s going to be sooo much fun and probably terrifying.
I’ve been thinking about what scares me lately and with Halloween right around the corner I thought it was the perfect time to share. So…
What Is The Scariest Book You’ve Ever Read?
Personally, the scariest book I’ve ever read was The Shining by Stephen King. I remember reading the end of the book where they’re running through the maze in the snowstorm. I was leaned up against the wall of our kitchen. The phone, which hung a few feet over my head, rung. I screamed. It scared me so badly I had tears in my eyes. That’s a scary book!
I also recently read Hell House by Richard Matheson. I enjoyed it and it was pretty freaky. He also wrote I am Legend (yes, Will Smith was in the movie.) I think that was a scarier book than Hell House but it depends on what you find creepier, ghosts or zombies:-D
The Relic by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child was pretty darn amazing too.
So what is the scariest story you ever read?