I just returned from a meeting with my critique partner. I love our meetings! I always come home with some useful feedback and great ideas about where to take my story. I jumped on my computer as soon as I got home, anxious to make some changes to the manuscript, and I noticed an offer in my email.
Normally, I file them away to read later when I’m watching The Bachelorette or Ghost Hunters (weird combo, I know). But something about the email grabbed my attention. I read it through, checked out the offer and knew I had to share it right away
I receive a lot of questions about self-publishing and have begun the education process to learn more. There’s a lot to learn and so many excellent resources.
This is what I wanted to share with you…
You’re probably familiar with Writer’s Market but you may not know about their Kit of the Month. Now this month it’s on Children’s Writing but check it out because you can get an idea about what a great deal this is. However, next month starting August 1st they’re offering Self Publishing Rules and then on September 1st they’re offering Building an Author Platform.
I’m super excited about both offers because who wouldn’t turn down an offer to save a few hundred bucks and improve their writing career?
They do offer free shipping on orders over $25, which is easy to do. And if you’re seriously perusing publication then the Writer’s Market is an essential element of your process. It includes agent and publisher listings and offers a wealth of information.
Enjoy and feel free to contact me if you have questions about a book or Writer’s Digest program. I may very well have it on my bookshelf!
Happy Writing!