Happy Saturday!
If you’ve been up to your eyebrows in your manuscript you may have missed a few things:
- A great post about something that happens a bit too often in the process of finding the right agent to represent you – http://bookendslitagency.blogspot.com/2010/11/from-scared-client.html
- Voting is still going on for the Alien-Vampire Bunny Contest. Read the submissions and cast your vote –http://greyhausagency.com/Alien-Vampire-Bunny-Contest.html
- Harlequin is offering a nice promotion. Grab a few books/ebooks and catch up on your favorite authors – Save 20% every day at eHarlequin + get FREE SHIPPING on your order! Click here to claim free shipping, use code EHQNFREESHIP at checkout
- The 2010 Romantic Times Book Reviews Award Nominations have been posted. Find out if your favorite author is on the list – http://www.rtbookreviews.com/
Christine Kane is one of my favorite bloggers. Read her fantastic post about how to get big things done in small windows of time http://christinekane.com/blog/how-to-get-big-things-done-in-small-windows-of-time/
- Read the Romance Recipe for Success at Redlines and Deadlines – http://redlinesanddeadlines.blogspot.com/2010/11/romance-recipe-for-success.html